Anyone Can Garden with These 5 Easy-to-Grow Vegetables

Which sounds more appealing? A salad made from vegetables you grew yourself A salad made from vegetables that spent days traveling from a farm to your local grocery store We think the answer is A, and not just because we’ve got a stake in the world of New Jersey garden supply. Fresh, home-grown vegetables will always win out over their store-bought counterparts. At the same time, the idea of growing your own vegetables can seem pretty daunting. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Anyone can start a garden with a little patience, and the help of these easy-to-grow vegetables:

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5 Ways to Prepare Your Garden This Spring

Spring is finally here, and if you’re like us, your thoughts have turned to your garden. Maybe you already know what you want to grow, and spending your days dreaming of all the different flowers, shrubs and trees you’ll plant this year. Or maybe you’re worried that your garden just isn’t ready. It’s been sitting idle all winter, and you’re just not sure it’s ready for planting. If you fall into the latter category, don’t fret. You can prepare your garden for this spring planting season with these garden preparation steps.

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How To Transition Your Summer Garden to Autumn

Summer may be over, but the gardening season is still underway. You may not be as busy as you were when everything was in full bloom, but there’s still work to be done that will have you visiting your local NJ garden centers. Here are a few tips for helping your garden make the switch from summer to autumn.

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Gardening with Chickens in New Jersey

All around the country, more and more people are trying to eat locally sourced foods, and what’s more local than your own backyard? It’s a philosophy that’s led people to plant vegetable gardens, grow herbs for cooking and in some cases, raising chickens. And while chickens are a great source of eggs, they’re also very useful gardening tools. Before you go shopping for chicken feed in New Jersey, you may want to learn a few ways chickens can help your garden grow. Writing on the blog the Prairie Homestead, free-range chicken expert Justin Rhodes lists some of the ways keeping chickens can be beneficial.

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Why Is It Important to Mulch Plant Beds?

If you’re an amateur gardener, you’re surely familiar with just how relaxing and even therapeutic the hobby can be. There’s really nothing that compares to working with the soil, getting your hands dirty, and eventually being able to experience and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Then again, gardening is not without its occasional frustrations. Unwanted weeds can strangle your plants and crops. Water can evaporate or freeze during inclement weather, leading to less than vibrant results. Nature, in other words, can sometimes choose to give your garden a rather hard time.

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Winterizing Your Garden and Flower Beds

Now that there is a chill in the air our minds are focused on fall: cool weather, falling leaves and a chance to prepare our gardens for winter. Fall is the time to prepare your beds for the coming seasons through careful maintenance, from leaf and weed removal to final applications of mulch. Here are some tips from the gardening experts at our garden supply store in NJ to help you along. 1. When will the frost arrive? Winter means different things in different parts of the country. The USDA maintains an online map of the country’s “plant hardiness zone. It lets gardeners see which plants are most likely to thrive based on their region’s annual average minimum temperature. It’s

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fall garden center in NJ

Transitioning Your Summer Garden to Autumn

We’re writing this in August, but our minds are focused on fall. It’s not that we don’t want you to enjoy the rest of your summer. It’s just that Mendham Garden Center – like all good garden centers in NJ – wants its customers to be prepared for changes in the seasons. That’s why we’ve put together this guide for transitioning your summer garden to autumn. Follow these tips to get your yard ready for when September comes.

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MGC Victory Garden featured in Garden Center Magazine

Mendham Garden Center was recently featured in Garden Center magazine for our MGC Victory Garden in Chester, NJ! Visit their website and read the full article to learn how our New Jersey garden center is helping to foster growth and build connections through community gardening. Visit our Chester location to see the Victory Garden, and to see our full selection of plants, tools and equipment for your lawn and garden.

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Pollinators: Birds, Bees and Beneficial Insects

It’s time for a lesson about the birds and the bees. No, we’re not talking about seventh grade health class. This lesson is in the birds, bees and other beneficial insects that flock to your garden in New Jersey every year. And since National Pollinator Week is coming up – June 20-26 – we thought we’d talk about why some of the creatures in your garden are important.

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Your Guide to Container Gardening in NJ

It’s an appealing notion, growing your own food. But what if you don’t have the space to grow a flower or vegetable garden? That’s where container gardens come in. They’re perfect for people who don’t have the room – or the time – to plant a larger garden. They also make perfect gifts for friends and family. There are a number of types of containers to choose from, including clay, wood, plastic, concrete, and ceramic. When picking your container, consider the following:

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