Bluejay and suet winder bird feeder
Bird Feeders

Feeding Your Feathered Friends: A Guide to Winter Bird Feeders

If there’s one thing we know about birds, it’s this: take care of them, and they’ll take care of you. Birds are considered “beneficial” animals because they help pollinate flowers and feast on pests we don’t want in our gardens. And while most other beneficial creatures – bees, ants, bats, small mammals – tend to vanish this time of year, there are still plenty of birds around.

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How to Build a DIY Bird Feeder

If you want to become a bird watcher, you could pick worse places than New Jersey, where you’ll find such colorful creatures as the blue jay, the cardinal and the brilliant yellow goldfinch (our state bird). And don’t think that you need to trek through the woods with binoculars to spend time with birds. When you build a DIY bird feeder, you can let the birds come to you. Here are a few suggestions for building your own bird feeder.

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Your Guide to Winter Bird Feeding

Not all birds fly south for the winter. The ones that stay up north face a tough few months once the weather gets colder. Most of their natural food supply has been exhausted, and insects have died or gone into hibernation. As we’ve said before, birds are beneficial animals, helping pollinate our flowers and feeding on potentially harmful insects. And backyard birds rely on us to help them get through the winter. You see a birdfeeder in your yard, they see a port in a storm. With that in mind, here are a few types of birdseed New Jersey birds will enjoy feasting on this winter.

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Which Bird Seed Will Bring Birds to Your Yard?

As winter approaches, you may be wondering how to attract birds to your yard. Not all birds migrate south, and with a few simple steps, you can enjoy watching local birds right from your window. One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering a variety of bird seeds. The wider the selection, the more species you’ll attract. Here’s a breakdown of popular bird seed in New Jersey (NJ) and the birds they attract, with insights from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and other expert sources.

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Basic Backyard Bird Feeding

Bird feeding has become a year round hobby for many people. We have found that using a good quality bird seed allows our customers to see and feed more beautiful birds and puts less waste on the ground. Here are some suggestions on basic backyard bird feeding we learned from Bird Watcher’s and Rutgers’ Cook College Research and Extension. Create a habitat for bird feeding sections Birds have three basic needs. They are shelter, food and water. Providing those needs in your backyard will increase a bird’s habitat. Thus, you will bring various bird species to your area. Creating a bird habitat will help you learn to care for them, forming a bond between you and your new friends.

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