4 Ways to Make a Real Difference on Earth Day

Be honest: When was the last time you took part in an Earth Day activity that made a real, lasting impact on the health of our planet? For most of us, it was back in high school, or maybe during college, if we were the ecologically-conscious type. But now we’re busy adults. And won’t there will always be someone else willing to plant trees on Earth Day, or pick up garbage from the side of the road? Well, maybe. But maybe not. And the state of the environment is getting worse—not better. The atmosphere today holds more carbon dioxide than at any other time in the past 800,000 years, and that 25 percent of that carbon dioxide is produced in

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Tips For Planning Your Spring Garden

Spring is just around the corner! Days are getting longer, the weather is warming up, and soon enough, new growth will begin to appear in your yard. Now is the perfect time to start planning your spring garden. To help you get ready, we’ve put together these tips for planning your spring garden.

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Checking the Health of Stored Plant Bulbs

Anybody with a green thumb can tell you the many great reasons for storing plant bulbs between seasons. This is especially important for dahlias and gladiolas. If you dig up your bulbs instead of leaving them in the ground over the winter, it’s essential to check the health of your stored bulbs. This helps prevent moisture buildup, mold, mildew, and other potential threats. Taking time to inspect your stored plant bulbs can save you hours of frustration later. Follow these tips from our NJ garden center to identify and remove rotting bulbs.

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Fall Gardening Basics

That fall feeling is already here. You can feel the crispness in the morning air and native asters are already visible along the roadsides. This is the time for gardeners to make that graceful transition from summer to fall. You can rely on the following simple tips to help wind your garden down as the weather cools. The tomatoes, basil, and peppers might be hanging loosely and looking a little rough but you can expect them to perk up as temperatures drop in the coming few weeks. So, as long as they seem to be ripening, let them be.

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Crabgrass Control Spreader
Gardening Tips

Crabgrass Control Starts in Spring

As many a homeowner knows, crabgrass is an ugly and tedious lawn weed that grows in a prostrate fashion close to the ground, stemming out like the legs of a crab. It grows in clumps, becomes very thick and patchy, and tends to choke out the more desirable grasses surrounding it.

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5 Quick Tips To Prepare Your NJ Garden For Spring

It’s that time of year again, time to visit your garden supply store and get everything you need to prepare your garden for spring. Preparing now will save you time and frustration when all you want to do is spend time planting and tending to your nursery. Here’s what you need to do to prep your NJ garden for spring: 1. Clean your garden Reorganizing your kitchen cabinets should not be the only thing on your spring cleaning to-do list. When was the last time you did a sweep of your nursery? Get rid of any plant debris. Be on the lookout for hibernating bugs—they like to hide out by the crowns of your perennial plants. Clean all of your

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