Year-Long Care for Fruit Trees

It’s a nice image: You want some fresh fruit with your breakfast, so you step out into your backyard, stand under a tree, and pick a few peaches. That’s the dream, anyway. The reality is that fruit trees, like anything you grow, require a lot of care. Here’s a few tips on how to manage that so you can enjoy the taste of fresh-grown fruit without visiting a grocery store.

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Gardening Gifts for Mom

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and you’re probably thinking about what to get mom. You can always go with one of the popular standbys: a meal at her favorite restaurant, some jewelry, or fresh-cut flowers. But what about the moms who grow their own flowers? Or who would rather eat a salad from their own garden than one at the Olive Garden? A trip to your friendly New Jersey gardening supply store might be the answer. Read on to explore our list of gardening gifts for mom:

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Why Is It Important to Mulch Plant Beds?

If you’re an amateur gardener, you’re surely familiar with just how relaxing and even therapeutic the hobby can be. There’s really nothing that compares to working with the soil, getting your hands dirty, and eventually being able to experience and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Then again, gardening is not without its occasional frustrations. Unwanted weeds can strangle your plants and crops. Water can evaporate or freeze during inclement weather, leading to less than vibrant results. Nature, in other words, can sometimes choose to give your garden a rather hard time.

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Pollinators: Birds, Bees and Beneficial Insects

It’s time for a lesson about the birds and the bees. No, we’re not talking about seventh grade health class. This lesson is in the birds, bees and other beneficial insects that flock to your garden in New Jersey every year. And since National Pollinator Week is coming up – June 20-26 – we thought we’d talk about why some of the creatures in your garden are important.

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Mendham Garden Center Featured on

Mendham Garden Center’s Chester, NJ location was recently featured in the Sunday Best section of Read the article below to learn more about how our garden center team encouraged Chester residents to grow a victory garden in their local area, with the assistance of the kids at Dickerson Elementary School.

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4 Ways to Make a Real Difference on Earth Day

Be honest: When was the last time you took part in an Earth Day activity that made a real, lasting impact on the health of our planet? For most of us, it was back in high school, or maybe during college, if we were the ecologically-conscious type. But now we’re busy adults. And won’t there will always be someone else willing to plant trees on Earth Day, or pick up garbage from the side of the road? Well, maybe. But maybe not. And the state of the environment is getting worse—not better. The atmosphere today holds more carbon dioxide than at any other time in the past 800,000 years, and that 25 percent of that carbon dioxide is produced in

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8 Tips For Organic Turf Care

Every homeowner dreams of a lush, green lawn. But you may not want to use harmful or unnatural chemicals to achieve that perfect look. Don’t worry—there are organic methods you can use to maintain a healthy, green lawn. Here are 8 organic turf care tips we’ve gathered to help you care for your lawn the natural way.

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Tips For Planning Your Spring Garden

Spring is just around the corner! Days are getting longer, the weather is warming up, and soon enough, new growth will begin to appear in your yard. Now is the perfect time to start planning your spring garden. To help you get ready, we’ve put together these tips for planning your spring garden.

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Checking the Health of Stored Plant Bulbs

Anybody with a green thumb can tell you the many great reasons for storing plant bulbs between seasons. This is especially important for dahlias and gladiolas. If you dig up your bulbs instead of leaving them in the ground over the winter, it’s essential to check the health of your stored bulbs. This helps prevent moisture buildup, mold, mildew, and other potential threats. Taking time to inspect your stored plant bulbs can save you hours of frustration later. Follow these tips from our NJ garden center to identify and remove rotting bulbs.

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Crabgrass Control Spreader
Gardening Tips

Crabgrass Control Starts in Spring

As many a homeowner knows, crabgrass is an ugly and tedious lawn weed that grows in a prostrate fashion close to the ground, stemming out like the legs of a crab. It grows in clumps, becomes very thick and patchy, and tends to choke out the more desirable grasses surrounding it.

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