Homemade birdseed Christmas ornaments. Fir tree, Heart, Star and Boot shapes. Top view.
Bird Feeders

How To Make Your Own Cookie Cutter Bird Feeder

With winter starting, there has never been a better time to engage in a DIY project that is not only fun for you but also benefits the birds, that is, a homemade bird feeder. Having feed out for birds makes a huge difference to the well-being of wild birds. Food is scarce in winter and the food that you put out in your garden could be the difference between surviving winter and starvation.

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Birds hanging out a feeder in winter
Bird Feeders

Which Winter Bird Seed Works Best?

Birdwatching is one of life’s simpler pleasures and one that becomes easier to do when you have the right food on hand to attract our feathered friends. And it doesn’t even have to be warm-weather activity. Even in the dead of winter, you can put out some bird seed and watch birds explore your yard from the comfort of your living room.

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Bluejay and suet winder bird feeder
Bird Feeders

Feeding Your Feathered Friends: A Guide to Winter Bird Feeders

If there’s one thing we know about birds, it’s this: take care of them, and they’ll take care of you. Birds are considered “beneficial” animals because they help pollinate flowers and feast on pests we don’t want in our gardens. And while most other beneficial creatures – bees, ants, bats, small mammals – tend to vanish this time of year, there are still plenty of birds around.

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Gardening Gifts for Mom

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and you’re probably thinking about what to get mom. You can always go with one of the popular standbys: a meal at her favorite restaurant, some jewelry, or fresh-cut flowers. But what about the moms who grow their own flowers? Or who would rather eat a salad from their own garden than one at the Olive Garden? A trip to your friendly New Jersey gardening supply store might be the answer. Read on to explore our list of gardening gifts for mom:

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Which Bird Seed Will Bring Birds to Your Yard?

As winter approaches, you may be wondering how to attract birds to your yard. Not all birds migrate south, and with a few simple steps, you can enjoy watching local birds right from your window. One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering a variety of bird seeds. The wider the selection, the more species you’ll attract. Here’s a breakdown of popular bird seed in New Jersey (NJ) and the birds they attract, with insights from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and other expert sources.

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