Summer Garden
Gardening Tips

Summer Gardening in New Jersey: Tips on Pruning, Watering, Weeds and Bugs

You’ve been busy all spring trying to get your garden ready for the growing season. Spring is winding down, and summer is almost here. Its time to switch focus. New Jersey isn’t called the Garden State for nothing. With a little attention, your summer gardening can produce delightful flowers and and veggies all season long. Here are some tips to manage the heat, weeds and pests during summer months.

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Healthy Lawn with gazebo and hedge

8 Ways to Give Yourself a Healthy Lawn This Spring

A healthy lawn needs healthy soil, and healthy soil needs to have the right nutrients. Conducting a soil test can tell you whether the nutrients your soil needs are present. This test also helps us recommend a fertilizer program specific to your lawn as well as ways to address nutrient deficiencies. Your local Hunterdon, NJ garden center can offer you more information on conducting a soil test.

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A semi-formal domestic winter garden under snow.
Gardening Tips

What Do I Do with My Garden in Winter?

It’s winter, and while the rest of the world seems to be hibernating, you’re taking a page from that Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song: you’ve got to get yourself back to the garden. The ground outside may be frozen, but that doesn’t mean you can’t focus on your garden. There are things you can grow, and springtime preparations to make. Here are a few things you can do with your garden this winter.

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Back to School: 5 of the Best Gardening Books

Fall is here and school is back in session. By now you’ve probably gotten your kids acclimated to their regular academic routine, but what about your own education? Specifically, your gardening education. You could always read the other entries in our Gardening Guide, where we use the collective knowledge from our garden center to discuss everything from lawns, to landscaping, to birdfeeders, but you might want something a little more in-depth. There are a wealth of great gardening books out there, enough to fill a lot more than just one blog post. Here are a few of the best gardening books out there:

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How to Protect Your Garden from Insects

You love the plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables growing in your garden. So do bugs. And while some insect varieties can be beneficial to your backyard plant life, a lot of them can cause some serious damage. Before you reach for the inspect spray, New Jersey gardeners, consider these pest control tips for keeping bugs away from your plants.

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How to Maintain a Vegetable Garden

You don’t become healthy by accident. It takes work: eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, etc. Your vegetable garden is the same way. It can only remain healthy through proper maintenance. Before heading out to buy plants, seeds or garden fertilizer, New Jersey gardeners might want to read up on a few ways to maintain a healthy vegetable garden.

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New Jersey Deer Control Tips

Deer are gentle, majestic creatures. They can also destroy your garden. Are you fed up with deer feeding on your plants and flowers? It doesn’t have to be a losing battle. Use these New Jersey deer control tips to protect your garden this year. 1. Keep the plants deer love closest to home Deer love plants that are smooth and full of flavor. This list includes berry bushes, roses, azaleas and chrysanthemums. Keep these plants close to your home to keep an eye on them.

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How To Transition Your Summer Garden to Autumn

Summer may be over, but the gardening season is still underway. You may not be as busy as you were when everything was in full bloom, but there’s still work to be done that will have you visiting your local NJ garden centers. Here are a few tips for helping your garden make the switch from summer to autumn.

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Winterizing Your Garden and Flower Beds

Now that there is a chill in the air our minds are focused on fall: cool weather, falling leaves and a chance to prepare our gardens for winter. Fall is the time to prepare your beds for the coming seasons through careful maintenance, from leaf and weed removal to final applications of mulch. Here are some tips from the gardening experts at our garden supply store in NJ to help you along. 1. When will the frost arrive? Winter means different things in different parts of the country. The USDA maintains an online map of the country’s “plant hardiness zone. It lets gardeners see which plants are most likely to thrive based on their region’s annual average minimum temperature. It’s

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Your Guide to Container Gardening in NJ

It’s an appealing notion, growing your own food. But what if you don’t have the space to grow a flower or vegetable garden? That’s where container gardens come in. They’re perfect for people who don’t have the room – or the time – to plant a larger garden. They also make perfect gifts for friends and family. There are a number of types of containers to choose from, including clay, wood, plastic, concrete, and ceramic. When picking your container, consider the following:

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