Benefits of Organic Lawn Care in New Jersey

We’ll be the first to admit that there’s nothing new about the concept of living an all-organic, eco-friendly lifestyle. Eating organic fruits and veg, or washing your dishes and laundering your clothes with ecologically responsible soaps. But have you ever given serious thought to the idea of going organic in your own front lawn? Our New Jersey landscape supply company, with three locations in the Garden State, has supplies ranging from lawn food to weed killer that will make your switch to organic lawn care a simple and stress-free process.

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fall garden center in NJ

Transitioning Your Summer Garden to Autumn

We’re writing this in August, but our minds are focused on fall. It’s not that we don’t want you to enjoy the rest of your summer. It’s just that Mendham Garden Center – like all good garden centers in NJ – wants its customers to be prepared for changes in the seasons. That’s why we’ve put together this guide for transitioning your summer garden to autumn. Follow these tips to get your yard ready for when September comes.

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MGC Victory Garden featured in Garden Center Magazine

Mendham Garden Center was recently featured in Garden Center magazine for our MGC Victory Garden in Chester, NJ! Visit their website and read the full article to learn how our New Jersey garden center is helping to foster growth and build connections through community gardening. Visit our Chester location to see the Victory Garden, and to see our full selection of plants, tools and equipment for your lawn and garden.

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Properly Maintaining a Weber Grill in New Jersey

Memorial Day weekend. Graduations and Father’s Day. The Fourth of July. Summer gives us a lot of chances to break out your Weber Grill in New Jersey, and a lot chances for our grills to get dirty. Even when there isn’t a holiday on the calendar, warm weather and outdoor cooking go hand-in-hand. Before you plan your next BBQ, read our tips for properly maintaining your grill.

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100 Years of Japanese Beetles in New Jersey

Here’s an anniversary that’s not exactly worth celebrating: 2016 marks 100 years since the Japanese beetle was first discovered in America. From the Reading Eagle newspaper, July 22, 1923: “Seven years ago, concealed in imported azalea roots, an unsuspected grub entered this country from Japan. The destination of the roots was Burlington County, New Jersey. They got there and the grub came with them. It burrowed in the ground and hatched the Japanese beetle that already has done much damage and threatens to do much more.” A century later, the Japanese beetle is still a major gardening headache. As the newspaper account put it, “whatever green thing that comes in its way is grist for its insatiable devouring mill.”

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Pollinators: Birds, Bees and Beneficial Insects

It’s time for a lesson about the birds and the bees. No, we’re not talking about seventh grade health class. This lesson is in the birds, bees and other beneficial insects that flock to your garden in New Jersey every year. And since National Pollinator Week is coming up – June 20-26 – we thought we’d talk about why some of the creatures in your garden are important.

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Visit Your NJ Garden Center to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

Ah, the Japanese beetle. Nasty little buggers, aren’t they? If you grew up in the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic, or just about anywhere along the East Coast of the United States, you probably still have early-summer memories of capturing dozens of the copper-and-green bugs in your backyard with slippery Japanese beetle traps. As an adult with a yard full of lovely foliage, though, or perhaps a backyard garden or a rose bush, these miniature Asian invaders aren’t quite as much fun. Where Do Japanese Beetles Come From? The bugs are believed to have first escaped Japan and entered the U.S. in 1916. It’s thought that they stowed away in a shipment of Japanese flowers. Because of natural predators that are still present

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Lawn care sprinkler and supplies

End of Summer Landscape Care

Lawns Due to a very wet spring followed by the summer heat, you could be seeing browning spots or large dead areas in your property when considering end of Summer landscape care. How to best rejuvenate your lawn: First, we need to start with the soil. A soil analysis of your lawn will guide us in using the right products, not guessing. To get a lab analysis of your soil, pick up a soil sample bag at any of our three locations we will send out the sample to be analyzed. We can address your specific needs based on the result of this testing. Good soil is the essential beginning to a healthy lawn. Keeping a strong and healthy turf

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