Mendham Garden Center
Route 24, Mendham, NJ

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Garden

It’s the closing moments of December 31, 2018. The old year is about to fade away, making room for the new one.

And after you’ve counted down until midnight and popped open the champagne, you take a minute to look into the future. You think about the resolutions you’ve made for the coming year…and wonder if you’ll be able to stick to them.

We can’t help you get to the gym every day or read more books. But we can offer some alternative resolutions, ones geared to your garden.

Here are 10 resolutions that can make gardening in Hunterdon County a new experience in 2019.

1. I resolve to clean out my shed

Here’s something you can do in the dead of winter. Head out to your shed – or the corner of your garage where you keep your gardening tools – and do some pre-spring cleaning. Get rid of expired materials and clean-off your tools before planting season begins.

2. I resolve to be a friend to bugs

Beneficial bugs, that is: bees, ants, wasps and butterflies. They keep your plants healthy and make your garden less susceptible to pests and disease. Encourage beneficial insects to make a home in your garden by planting pollinator-friendly flowers.

3. I resolve to make my home greener

You can bring new life to any room of your home with a potted plant. It not only adds more color to your home, it boosts oxygen and moisture in the air and otherwise makes it a healthy space.

4. I resolve to start composting

If you don’t have a compost bin in your yard, make this year the year you start one. Composting lets you turn recycled plant material into a rich, soil-nourishing material. Your soil will hold moisture more effectively and provide better drainage, all leading to healthier plants.

5. I resolve to plant something new

Every gardener has their favorites, but this year, try something new. Better yet, make that new plant a food that you’ve always wanted to try, whether it’s a vegetable, fruit or herb.

6. I resolve to learn…or to teach

Let 2019 be the year you expand your skill set. There are plenty of opportunities to learn about gardening in Hunterdon County. Look for a class that’s focused on your interests.

And if you’re a veteran gardener, you might want to offer your services as an instructor. That brings us to our next resolution…

7. I resolve to eat homegrown

There’s nothing quite like a meal made with vegetables plucked from the ground that day. Whether you’re planting vegetables to turn into your nightly salad or growing some herbs to garnish your main course, make this the year you eat more homegrown food.

8. I resolve to conserve water

We may not have to deal with drought the way places like California do, but gardening in Hunterdon County can mean suffering through years without a lot of rain. Resolve to conserve water this year: collect rain in barrels, add a timer to your sprinkler system or invest in soaker hoses, which reduce runoff.

9. I resolve to volunteer my services

Is there a community garden in your town? Chances are it grew with the help of volunteers. This year try to lend a hand at your local garden, park, cemetery or any other outdoor project that could benefit from a few extra green thumbs.

10. I resolve to get my kids involved

Make this year the year you try to pass your skills onto your kids or grandkids. It might be something as small as planting a few seeds in a cup to see what sprouts. Just let them see how plants grow and thrive.

Do you need help tackling any of these resolutions? Stop by one of Mendham Garden Center’s three locations (Mendham, Chester or Annandale). Whether you need organic lawn and garden products, gardening tools, seeds or just advice on how to keep your plants healthy, we’re ready to assist you. See you in the New Year!